Have You Ever Seen the Rain

In view of it being National Poetry Day today, I scribbled down a conversation I had last night with a Glasgow taxi driver.

Rod Stewart

Have You Ever Seen the Rain 

I am a sinny man yet God loves me
This is unconditional love
If I love Rod Stewart
Why does he charge £70 a ticket?
This is not unconditional love
Rod needs to look at this
I love the rain
With every raindrop there is an angel
The rain falls from so high up
It is from God
Rain is a mercy
If you are ill, if you are hurting
Just ask the rain
And it will help you
I hope to meet you in heaven
And if we do
You will tell me
Taxi driver, you were right


Have You Ever Seen the Rain, Rod Stewart, Composer: John Fogerty (1970 – released 1971, Rod Stewart cover version 2006)